
Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say

Rene R.
This is the way body shops should operate. The whole process is so simple. All I had to worry about was dropping off. I got it back and it looked better than when I dropped it off. No brainer!

John D.
Their turn-around time is out of the world! I had both bumpers repaired and repainted, and fixed a broken tail light in under 72 hours. Highly recommended. A+++

Samantha V.
I didn't know you were allowed to use a shop of your choice. My insurance company tried to make use use their shop, but after hearing about Collision Masters and their excellent service, I learned I could use any shop of my choosing.
Cherrine Short
All around great experience from the quote to the knowledgeable staff to Fran at the front desk who was awesome. Brought my 2017 BMW X3 here which was side swiped while parked and the team did an excellent job. Metallic paint was matched perfectly and the quality of work and ease of experience was amazing.
Erik Meza
I got my headlights restored due to them being rellow and nasty. I didn't have high hopes but when I got them done they looked brand new again .I paid extra to get the clear coat sprayed.

Michelle Fiabane
They did really nice work on my car after an accident. I was surprised how quick I was able to get my car back. Thumbs up for a great auto body shop in San Diego.

Mandi G.
Not just a custom shop. Don't get me wrong, they do AMAZING custom paint work and restoration, but they also do normal collision repair. I amean an UBER picky customer when it comes to my car, and they delivered my vehicle PERFECTLY. Highly recommended for ANY type of auto body repair.

Steve Jones
If you want to have the best in Southern California work on your car or project then this is the place you should go. The whole team is first class and go above and beyond.

Steve Kaplan
Incredible service. Nothing but inedible customer service, care, and attention to detail from start to finish. They offered Uber ride to drop me off and pick me up when my car was ready. There were text updated on the status of my vehicle. It was finished and looks beautiful again ahead of schedule. And to top it all off they detailed my car so well it looks better than when I bought it from dealership. Would absolutely recommend these guys.